
Do you know the feeling that you are facing challenges in your private or professional environment that seem to overwhelm you?

If you engage in individual coaching, you will learn to find ways...

  • to increase your satisfaction and thus strengthen your charisma
  • to increase your self-esteem and thus achieve balance
  • to maintain serenity in difficult situations and thus show sovereignty in decision-making.

In short, you see yourself from the outside and get to know yourself better. With individual coaching you will get answers to questions such as...

  • Where am I now?
  • What do I really want?
  • How do I get on?
  • Why am I giving up?


"Developing": quality of life, freedom and sovereignty!

The personal coaching can take place either in Munich or Dachau. But why not take a closer look at these topics in relaxed atmosphere, far away from daily routine and everyday worries, e.g. in Sardinia? There you can clear your mind and concentrate on personal development with all your senses. We will design for you an individual journey, which allows a perfect balance between personal work and free space

"…You are not only responsible for what you do, but also for what you do not do.“ (Laotse)


Maria Lentrodt works successfully as a trained Empathic Mediator & Coach with executives and private individuals in the field of personality development.

The only thing that´s necessary: ​​Your courage and willingness to deal with yourself.

Please contact us at: +49 (0) 176 - 72 43 57 84 or coaching(*at*)

We turn your coaching into a personal development experience.

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